Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 79-The Grand Canyon

                Today is the 79th day of school. We all came in excited because after today, we get three days off from school! So, we all cheerfully came in, and we got right to work. We did morning work, and we also got onto the computers. When officially logged on, we all went on this new website call: IXL. We get to do school for sixth graders so everything is on there! So, we played around with that, and then, we had break. Since we had an extra ten minutes, we used added 5 of those minutes onto our beak, and then, we used the other 5 minutes for something else. So, we deeply enjoyed our 15 minute break, and then, we came back to our seats so we could work ore on either our stories or our IXL thingies. Then, we went to library. After library ended, we came back to the classroom and we did a few questions on math. Then, we used our last five minutes, and we went to lunch early so that we could start our game early!

                So, we ate lunch, and then, we got to play Fortress Siege AND elimination! Lucky us! But sadly when the game ended, we had to go do RTI for forty five minutes. So, we did that, and when we came back to the classroom, we answered the rest of the math questions, and then we got to watch a video about the Grand Canyon the rest of the day! So, it was a very nice way to end our Friday. See you next Tuesday!


Read and Log 30 minutes,

BP3 p.28 questions #7-10 #12-16 BONUS #11 PC Day 6