Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 39-HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Today is the 39 day of school, also known as Halloween. So, we had to do all of the usual stuff, and then we got to PART-AYYYY!  But, unfortunately, we still had to get through the day of academics. We all walked in with costumes hand, and then we began morning work. Then, we got on the computer and Mr. Steele told us to look up the meaning Halloween. So we did, but I am not gonna tell you what it means, you have to go and look it up yourself. Ha, and you thought that I was just gonna hand you the answer. WRONG!!!! Anyways, we went onto the computers, and we also got to go on Gimp and work on our adaption projects. Then, we had break. So, for the next ten minutes, we ate and talked. Then, when 10:40 came around, we were all back in our seats ready to do some Language Arts. In Language Arts, we learned about people who had to escape out of their home country, and get to America before people who wanted to kill them found them. Then, we went to music. After music, we came back up to the classroom and we worked on Social Studies. Then, we went to lunch.

                After lunch came recess, and then we came back and did some RTI with the other class. Then,  the time came for all of us to get in our costumes.  IT WAS PARTY TIME!!! So, that is what we did the rest of the day. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

Homework: Read and Log 30 minutes

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 38- Sub Day...And I don’t mean Sandwiches.

                Today is the 38th day of school. Since Mr. Steele had something to do today, we had a sub. This sub spent all of his time last year in this classroom helping out Mr. Steele. So anyways, we all came in and we got started on our day. We did Morning work, and then we either got to play Lure of the Labyrinth, or we could do our Adaption Pictures. Then, we got to do 2 more Peer Reviews and then we got to have a lockdown in the classroom. Don’t worry parents. It was only a drill. Then, we had break. After break, we got to make our finishing touches on our Narratives before we had to Drop box them. Afterwards, we got to go to Library. After Library, we all came back up and then we watched an insect video. When the video was almost over, we all went to…
…………..                .Lunch. Then, since today was Friday, we had class game. We all thought that it would go good, but we all guessed wrong. Some kids got into a fight, and yeah. So, I don’t think Friday game will be going on next Friday. Anyways, we came back from recess, and we did RTI. After RTI, we all came back and did some class math.  In this math class, we did what we did yesterday. We Subtracted and Added fractions with different denominators. Then, we read from Houghton Mifflin. Then, we watched a movie about the city state name Mesopotamia. Then, we did jobs, packed up, and went home.

Read and Log 30 minutes,   
BP2 p.24 question #19-27 
Bonus #45-46

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 37-

                Today is the 37th day of school. The day started like any other day in our class. We were all mingling with the kids from the other class, and then when the bell rang, we said goodbye, and then we came into the awesome classroom that Mr. Steele runs. When we all got situated, the 24 of us all began morning work. After the beloved morning work was finished, we all went to undock the computers and t we worked on our adaption pictures on Gimp. After this, we had break. So, for the next ten minutes, we all talked and ate, and took a break from learning. Hence the word break.  After this ten minutes were over, we all came back to our seats, and began working on peer reviewing with our Narrative Stories.  After this, we had to take another survey on what we wanted for graduation. Unfortunately, we may have to do it with the 5TH GRADERS! I personally don’t think that its fair, but whatever. Anyway, when we all took the survey, we then lined up for P.E. In P.E., we did timed run. Most of us ran for 20 minutes. Others walked the rest of the time. Then, we came back, and we took our last observation for the plants, and then, we read from the Houghton Mifflin reading book.  In this subject that I like to call Language Arts, we learned about judgments and courage. Then…..
We went to lunch. Like usual, we then went to recess afterward. I am kind of getting tired of telling u what we did in our free time. Jeez, I’m kind of acting like you guys just scan this thing. Anyways, we came back from recess, and then we did RTI. After RTI, we all came in and then we did our own math lesson. After math, we did a group project in Social Studies. In this subject, we talked about what we would do if food ran out, and all hope was lost. Then, we read a few paragraphs, and then we packed up and went home. Goodbye!

Read and Log 30 minutes, 
PC Day 9,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 36-The Future for Our Generation

Today is the 36th day of school. We all came in ready to do morning work, only to find there was no morning work. Instead, we only had to do the reading word. After we did morning work, we did math and Mr. Steele talked about the future. It was kind of depressing. He told us how there is and will be a lot of competition for jobs and that we need to work hard and stand out. Like I said, it was scary, but not that bad if we stay focused and do the best work we can. Then, we all got onto the computers and we worked with gimp and making our adaptations. Then, it was time to go to music. In music, we kept on watching the movie about List the composer. Then, when we came back, we all did a ten minute science observation. It was very fast. After science, we all got to do some Social Studies. In Social Studies, we moved onto a new chapter called From Caves to City-States. All of a sudden, we heard the bell rang….

So we went to lunch. After lunch, like always, we had recess. WRONG! We had to come back in and serve our 5 minutes because SOMEBODY goofed off during class. Unfortunately, I cannot say who. Even though I wouldn’t anyway, so we served our time, and then we went to actual recess. When the 3rd bell rang, though, we had to come back in, and then we did some MORE Social Studies. In this subject, we learned about the Rise of Sumerian City-States. Then, we packed up or things and went home.


Read and Log 30 minutes,

PC Day 8,

BP2 p.24 questions #14-18 and #41-44

Bonus #40 & 49

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 35-Peer Reviewing

Today is the 35th day of school. When we heard the bell, we all quietly walked up the stairs, and then we entered the classroom. We did morning work, and then, we began morning work. Well, after we unpacked, of course. So, we did our work, and then, we logged onto the computers, and then, we looked up our grade. Then, we got to either play Lure of the Labyrinth, or, we got to go on gimp and create things. After this, we all peer reviewed our narrative stories, and then, we went to P.E. In gym class, we did flex arm hang, and balancers, and we shot hoops. Then, we came back and we did some science. In science, we talked about seeds.

Then, we went to lunch. After lunch we had recess, and then…well I think you know what we do after recess on full days. That’s right. We did RTI! So, we all happily went to our groups for RTI, and then we did math. After RTI, we came in our own class, and then we worked on more math. In our special math lesson with just OUR class, we did some adding and subtracting fractions. Then, we had to take observations for our science seeds that we “planted” earlier. After we got our observing time, we then went back to our seats and watched a science video on that weird guy that we watched on Friday. After the video, we packed up and went home.


Read and Log 30 minutes,

PC Day 7,

BP2 p.24 questions #4-12 #30-32

Bonus # 48 & 51