Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Change of plans...

Our class has begun using Edmodo and will be posting our blog on there so all kids can not only access it, but comment on the posts! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 85- Finn Hill

Today is the 85th day of school. We all hurried in from the cold, and then, we got started on morning work. As we progressed in morning work, Mr. Steele would pull out people to work on questions they missed and needed review on, on the test. Once everyone had finished morning work, we then un-docked the computers, and we worked more on our power point. We have to make them look perfect for the people who put food in our mouth! Then, we worked on some Science. We had to answer some questions on the Grand Canyon and go onto a website to ask questions about the Canyon. Then, we had break. Mr. Steele was very generous, and so we had an extra-long break. It was awesome! Then, we had to dock our computer and head down to Library. After our time with Ms. Joseph, we did math. IN math we learned how to divide decimals. Fun right?! Shortly after we started math we all went down to lunch.

                After we filled our tummies, it was time for……..FRIDAY GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today we played Capture the Flag. Then, we came back to the classroom, and we did RTI. After we finished this short math lesson, we came back and we had a Finn Hill tutorial. That lasted a while, and when we came back, we only had enough time to do one more math lesson, and then we had to leave!


Read and Log 30 minutes,

BP3 p.43 #1-4 #28-29,

PC Day 13

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 84-The Bully Slam with Mr. B

Today is the 84th day of school. We came in, and we began morning work. This morning, we only had math, and (of course) the daily word. Then, once Mr. Steele or Ms. McCreary checked us off, we logged onto the computers, and we did some more practice lessons on IXL, the math site. Then, when Mr. Steele got our attention, we started working on our power point for our conference next week. Then, we had break. We came back from break, and we worked even more on our power point. Then we went to P.E. In P.E. we played a bowling game where whenever you scored, you had to do something. Then, when gym class ended, we walked in a single file line back up to the classroom to take a math test. Then, we went to lunch.

After our break from the academics, we came back to the classroom to do our usual RTI. Then, when 1:50 rolled around indicating it was time to end RTI, we came back to the classroom and we took a little bit more time on the test, and then we corrected it. When we were finished correcting the math test, we started some Earth History. We only did that for a few minutes though, because then, Mr. B came in, and we talked about the upcoming Bully Slam, and we just talked about bullies in general. Then, we finished up the earth history science social studies thing, and then we packed up and went home.
Read and log 30 minutes,
PC Day 11 & 12

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 83-Vision and Hearing

Today is the 83rd day of school. We came in, and we got started right away on morning work. Then, we got on the computers, and we worked on our elements. Then, we did math with Ms. McCreary. Then, we went to a vision and hearing test in the library. We tested our eyes and our ears! Then, we came back and had an extended break. We came back, finished math, and then we went to music. In music, we did a composer, and we finished our cards for Mr. Veillete. Then, we came back to the class, and we talked about bullies and how they have to have their power taken away. Then came lunch.

Today at recess, we had a basketball game. So, some kids play basketball, and others do something else. When recess ended, we came back to the classroom, and since it’s a short way, we only did one thing. That one thing was Social Studies. In Social Studies, we worked on our China Maps. Then, we packed up and went home.
Read and log 30 minutes,
PC Day 10,
BP3 p.28 questions #25, 27-33 & 45 BONUS #50-55

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 82- Pin Knock Down

Today is the 82nd day of school. We came in and we began morning work. Then, we went onto the computers, and we worked on our elements. Then, we had break. After ten minutes of no learning, we came back to our seats, and we started a new math thing called scale factor. Its where you have to find the length of things. Then, we went to P.E. In P.E., we had to play the pin knock down game, otherwise known as Bowling. So, we played that game, and then we came back to the classroom and we read about the boring expedition of John Wesley Powell. Then, we went to lunch.

After lunch we came to recess, and then, we came back to the class to do RTI. We also read about Ancient China. We only did that for like 10 minutes though Then, we took another reading test. Fun right? Then, we packed up and went home.

Read and Log 30 minutes,
Scale factor
PC Day 9

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 81-Welcome Back!

                Today is the 81st day of school. We came in all tired because we didn’t really have school last week, so  we were not used to waking up at seven a.m. So, we did morning work, which only some of us had to do because if u were at school last Tuesday, u would of already done the morning work. So, most of us just did the word of the day. Then, we worked on IXL, the math website. Then, once Mr. Steele told us to activate our laptops, we learned about a new project we our doing. The new project is based on what  ever we want it to be based on. We get to write about any subject. Then, when we learned about that, we had break. Then after break, we did math. We worked on estimating and multiplying decimals. Then, we went to music. In music, we wrote letter to Mr. Veilette who spoke at our Martin Luther King assembly. Then, we came back from music and we did more math. Then, we went to lunch

                We came back from lunch, and we did do RTI! Instead we took a test….so I don’t know what is better….no RTI…or a test. So, we took the test, and then we worked on Earth History. We learned more about the Grand Canyon! Then, we packed up and went home.


Read and Log 30 minutes

PC Day  7 and 8

BP3 p.28 question #17-24 and #40-44 BONUS #49

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 79-The Grand Canyon

                Today is the 79th day of school. We all came in excited because after today, we get three days off from school! So, we all cheerfully came in, and we got right to work. We did morning work, and we also got onto the computers. When officially logged on, we all went on this new website call: IXL. We get to do school for sixth graders so everything is on there! So, we played around with that, and then, we had break. Since we had an extra ten minutes, we used added 5 of those minutes onto our beak, and then, we used the other 5 minutes for something else. So, we deeply enjoyed our 15 minute break, and then, we came back to our seats so we could work ore on either our stories or our IXL thingies. Then, we went to library. After library ended, we came back to the classroom and we did a few questions on math. Then, we used our last five minutes, and we went to lunch early so that we could start our game early!

                So, we ate lunch, and then, we got to play Fortress Siege AND elimination! Lucky us! But sadly when the game ended, we had to go do RTI for forty five minutes. So, we did that, and when we came back to the classroom, we answered the rest of the math questions, and then we got to watch a video about the Grand Canyon the rest of the day! So, it was a very nice way to end our Friday. See you next Tuesday!


Read and Log 30 minutes,

BP3 p.28 questions #7-10 #12-16 BONUS #11 PC Day 6