Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 58-The most…SPECIAL music lesson….

                Today is the 58th day of school. We came in, and we did all of our morning work, and the, after we were all checked off, we got on the computers, and we wrote the investigation we have been working on, on the computer. So, once we typed up most/some of the experiments, we had break. Then, we came back to our seats, and we worked MORE on the science. Then, we went to music. I will just let the students tell you guys about music. Let me just say, we LOVE Mrs. Frank. Then, we came back, and we did some probability in math. Then, we went to lunch/recess.
                After recess, we came back in, and we DIDN’T do RTI, because it was Wednesday, so we got out early! YAY! So, we came back in, and we did some more math, and we tried to fit in social studies, but that BARELY happened. Then, we packed up and went home.

Read and Record 30 minutes,
HL p.13 questions #9, 10, 24, 25
BONUS #26                           

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 57-Fire Drill Frenzy #2

                Today is the 57th day of school. We all scurried in, ready to do our morning work, and we did! Then, we all got onto the computers once we were all checked off, and we worked more with the Social Studies project with the pictures and the circles and the history stuff! Then once we did some of that, we had break. After break, we came back, and we did some science. In science, we did some more of our investigation writing it out thingy majiger…OH! Right, it’s called writing an investigation! So, then, we went to P.E., in gym, we did some Basketball. It was fun…Then, when we came back, we did some math with more probability. It was fun.

                 Then, we went to lunch. Now, todays recess wasn’t like every other recess. 1 minute before recess ended, we had a fire drill. Now, Mr. Steele had told us before recess, WAYYY before recess. So, we went to the bottom field, and we waited, and we waited, and we waited, until Mrs. Stairs came down and told us we were REALLY bad when we came out! Wow! Now that is what I call a rude awakening! So, we all took a mental note, and we remembered to do better next time we had a fire drill. So, we came back in, and we did about 20 minutes of RTI. Then, we all came back to the class, and we finished those questions from earlier in the day, WAYYYYYY before lunch. It seems like such a long time ago considering we had that fire drill. So, we got crack-a-lacking on math, and then once we finished the math, we started on some Social Studies! In social studies, we wrote sentences on each artifact. After this, we did some Language Arts. In Language Arts, we talked and read about Climbing Mt. Everest. We also talked about diseases and ways to die when you are climbing Mt. Everest! It was very enjoyable!!!!! Then, we packed up and we went home.

Read and Log 30 minutes,
 HL p.13 questions #6-8
Bonus # 21-23

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 56-Probability, likely or not?!

                Today is the 56th day of school. We came in, and we got started immediately on morning work. When we did morning work, we noticed that Mr. Steele had only put up the math, and the word of the day. But, since it meant less work for us, we didn’t say anything, and we did finally begin morning work. After our first morning period of the day, we then got the computers, and some of us finished the Climb or Die questions. Once most of us were towards the end, or we finished, Mr. Steele had us all get our computers, and we did the Characteristics of a Civilization publisher stuff. Then, we had break. After break, we came back to our seats, and we worked more on the science investigations writing. Then, we went to music. After science, we went down to the music room. In music, we played bingo. Then, when we got all settled back into our classroom, we began a new math unit called probability. In probability, Mr. Steele taught us how to understand probability. After math, we went to lunch.

Then, once our time off academics for less than an hour ended, we came back to the classroom and we did some RTI. Then, after RT, we all came back to the classroom, and we did some more math. In THIS math lesson, we continued working on some more Probability. After this, we started some Social Studies. In Social Studies, we looked at artifacts. Then, we packed up and went home.

Read and Log 30 minutes,
HL p.13 questions #1-5, 19, 20
Bonus #31

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 55-The day before we eat turkey!!!!!!!!!

                Today is the 55th day of school. We came in, and we continued our tests. And since we were SO good yesterday, we got to go in the gym and play gauntlet from 10:10 to 10:40. Then, we came back and corrected the test. After that, we got to continue the climb or die questions. It has been a very fast day! Then, we went to music. After music, we came back and we packed up and went home!

Reading and Reading Record
Turkey Day assignment

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 54-Three math tests in one day. Thank you!

                Today is the 54th day of school. We came in, and we unpacked and got ready to take the big two day math test. So, we got ready, and when we were ready, teacher passed out the tests. Now, like any test, it was hard at first, but once we got into it, it became second nature. Then, we had break. After break, some of us went on the netbooks, and the rest of us took a reading test because they had trouble on the reading record thingy’s. Then, we got to go to P.E. In P.E., we worked on basketball. When physical education came to an end, we all went back up to the wonderful classroom, and we began science. In science, we worked on writing our own investigation. Then, we went to lunch.
                Then came the beloved recess, and after that, we had to come back and do some math with RTI. After RTI, we all came back to the classroom, and we did some social studies! In social Studies, we took at test. Man, today is the day for tests, but NOT the day for us. Anyways, after we finished the Social Studies tests, we corrected it, and then we took the MATH test! Since Mr. Steele is like the BEST TEACHER EVER! We get to take the other half of the test tomorrow. So, after we did 1 half of the test, we packed up, and we went home!

Read and Log 30 minutes

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 53-Math Review

                Today is the 53rd day of school.  We came in and we got started on morning work right away because Mr. Steele was not in a very good mood because of some students not being able to follow directions and rules. Then, we got on the computers, and we worked on the climb or die questions. Then, after got finished those questions, we had break. After break, we worked on science and writing conclusions. . Then, we went to music. After music, we came back to the place where we learn, and then, we did some math. In math, we worked on dividing. Then, we went to lunch.
                After lunch came recess, and then, we came back and we did some RTI. After RTIU, we all came back to Mr. Steele’s class, and we did some math review for tomorrow’s big test. We did a lot of practice review. Then, we got to either finish the science conclusions, or we got to read climb or die. Then, we packed up, and went home.
Read and Log 30 minutes, AP p.56

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 52-Bullying is NEVER ok.

                Today is the 52nd day of school. We came in, only to find that our seats had been moved AGAIN! So, we sucked it up, and we sat down. Then, once we started our morning work, we had a big talk ABOUT the big talk that we had yesterday. After this, we got to get the laptops and we got to answer questions on the Climb or Die story. Then, we learned how to make graphs in Excel. Then, we had break. After break, we all gloomily came back to our seats, and we then worked more on Excel. After this handy little lesson, we got to go down to the Library. When library finally came to an end, we headed back up to the classroom, and we did some math. In math, we learned how to divide fractions by fractions. Then, we watched a news video about how bullying caused a girl to hang herself. She was only ten years old. This lesson taught us that no matter what age you are, bullying is never ok!
                Then, we all got teary eyed, so we went to lunch, and then, since it is Friday, we got to play Friday Games. In this game session, we got to play Elimination. It was very fun. Then, we came back up to the classroom, and we had RTI, and then, we worked more on dividing fractions by fractions. It was confusing, but we all got it. Then after math, we got to do some Social Studies.  In this history lesson, we learned about other characteristics of a civilization. When Social Studies came to an end, we all packed up, and went home.

Read and Log 30 minutes,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 51-Climb or Die

                Today is the 51st day of school. We came in, and we did some morning work. Then, we read to chapters in our Social Studies book about Religion and Government. Then, we did some Language Arts. In Language Arts, we read ANOTHER story called Climb or Die. Well, nice way to kind of kick off our morning. But, we didn’t get to read it because we have to go to P.E. Bummer, RIGHT?! Anyways…….we got to dribble basketballs in P.E. Then, when we came back up and we did some math. Then, when the bell rang, Mr. Steele told us that we couldn’t go to lunch. And when he said this, we ALL knew that he wasn’t kidding. So, at around 12:30, Mrs. Stairs came down, and we had a big talk about how the sixth graders had lost their privileges for lunch and recess. So, after the BIG talk, we finally got to go to lunch. After lunch came recess. Then, we came back in and we did RTI, and then, we did some math with story problems. Then, we did some science and we worked with graphs. After science, we did Language Arts, and then we went home. GOODBYE!

Read and Log 30 minutes, 
PC Day 20, 
BP2 p.55 #5-10 #30-35

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 50-Guest Speakers

                Today is the 50th day of school. Hey, just another 50 days, and we will of survived in Mr. Steele’s classroom. So, we all came in, and we began morning work. Then, we got to play Lure of the Labyrinth. After this fun little break, we got to do some Social Studies. In Social Studies, we got to use the artifacts from yesterday. Then, we had break. After break, we did some more social studies. After this, we wen to music. In music, we got to work on the Martin Luther King Jr. play we are doing. Then, we came back, and we got to do the thing where the lawyers come in, and they teach us about their job. It was very interesting. Then, we went to eating time!
After lunch came recess, and then, we came back and we did some math. Then, we packed up and went home because it was a half day.

Read and Log 30 minutes, 
PC Day 29, 
AP p.55