Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 49-Questions we want to ask. Tomorrow

                Today is the 49th day of school. We came in, and we immediately got started on morning work, after we were begged to stop talking. So, we began morning work, and then we went through and corrected morning work. Then, we did some netbooks. Wait. That doesn’t make sense, does it? No, I MEAN we did some work ON the netbooks. Then, we had break. After break, we came back to our seats and we wrote questions that we want to ask the attorneys tomorrow. Then, we went to P.E. After P.E., we came back up to the classroom and we did some dividing fractions. Then, we went to lunch.
                After lunch, we went to recess, and then we came back up to do some RTI. Then, we did some math with just our class. Then, we did some really fun Social Studies. In this subject, we did some work with artifacts. Then, we packed up and went home. 

Read and Log 30 minutes, 
PC day 18, 
BP2 p.55 # 1, 2, 24-29 
Bonus #3&4