Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 29-Math Tests Galore

Today is the 29th day of school. When we all came in, we got settled and then we began morning work. We all got new seats, too!!! After morning work, we got on the computers and finished any work that needed to be finished. Then, we all got to play Lure of the Labyrinth, also known as LOL. When the bell rang, we all had snack/break. After our ten minute break, we all did some Social Studies, and then we went down to music. When we came back from music, we all got started on a math test. But fortunately, the bell rang, and we got to go to lunch/recess. YIPPEY!!!

When the bell rang for us to come back in, we all did, and then we finished the math test. After that math test, we did ANOTHER math test. Golly, is Mr. Steele trying to kill us SLOWLY??? Ya, I am pretty sure he is. Wait, what did you just say Mr. Steele? Did you say you DON’T wanna kill us? Oh. Okay, he only said he wanted to make us cry. DUH!!! Anyway, we all finished that math test, and then we got to watch the Secret Garden. We learned all about how animals and insects reproduce, and how they survive. Then, we all packed up and went home.

Read and Record 30 minutes,
Practice Counts Day 1