Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 68-Math with Ms. McCreary

                Today is the 68th day of school. We came in, and we did morning work. It was like every other morning work thing, so there’s not much that you don’t already know. Then, once we were all logged onto the computers, we did Type to Learn.  Then, we went onto the Foss website, and we looked at bacteria and germs! And then, we had break. After break, we came back and did the same thing. Once 11:20 rolled around on the clock, we went to music to practice our beautiful voices for the sing a long tomorrow. It was fun. FIVE GOLDEN RING’S!!! Then, we came back to the classroom, and we did math with Ms. McCreary. Then, we went to lunch.
                Today was Wednesday, so we played a basketball game in the gym with Mr. Steele. Then, we came back to the classroom, and we continued and finished the math. It was Wednesday, so we went home at 2:00.
Read and Log 30 minutes,
HL p.44 questions #10 and 27-29 Bonus 34-35