Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 66-Bacteria in Mr. Steele’s classroom

                Today is the 66th day of school. We came in, and we started on morning work. It was the usual math, science, social studies, and reading. Then, we got onto the computers, and some of us finished the questions, and others did type to learn, and cool math. Then, once the time came, we had break. We came BACK from break, and we did MORE science questions. Then, we went to music. In music, we got to work with instruments. Then, we came back up here to the classroom once music ended, and we did math. Then, we went to lunch.
                Lunch and recess came and went, and before we knew it, all of us were back in the classroom ready to get some RTI going. Then, we finished the math that we started before music. Once this ended, we got to do science. In science, we went around the classroom and we got to find bacteria. It was cool. Once we finished science, we all did Social Studies. In this subject, we read about the empires again. Then, we packed up, and went home!
Read and Log 30 minutes,
HL p.44 questions #3 and 11-17