Today is the 32nd day of school. When we all scurried in, we got unpacked, and then we started on our morning work. Then, we undocked the computers, and we went on a new site called ten marks. But, for some of us, it was not working. So, we could either catch up on work, or go on Lure of the Labyrinth. But wait! Mr. Steele found a way to get us all in. Poo. So, we obeyed, and went on Ten Marks. It was all just a bunch of tests that Mr. Steele would later grade. Yay…NOT!!! Anyway, we finished math, and then, we moved right into Language Arts and did some putting sentences in order. When 11:20 rolled around, we all went down to the gym for some P.E., and we did some tests, and scooters. FUN…..but seriously. We came back up from the gym and did some social studies. In this subject, we learned about how early people made Food supplies with gathering, hunting, and herding.
Then, we went down to the lunch room for some food. After lunch we had recess time. But, sadly, the recess bell rang and we all went back to class. When we were all back, we started RTI. Then after RTI, we all came back in the classroom to finish Social Studies. We then moved out of Social Studies and we then got to finish Secret Garden. Most of us did not know that the amount of things in our garden survive because of us. So, we all answered the questions, and we then packed up and went home. Don’t forget, tomorrow is picture day.
Read and Log 30 minutes,
PC Day 4,
AP p.43