Today was the 25th day of school. When we came in, we all got started on morning work, and then we went and logged onto the computers. We had to look up a science question that had been on our morning work assignment. Then, we moved into break, but during break, we got to watch a video about the time before the dinosaurs. Then, we worked on some cell science questions. But once 11:20 rolled around, we all headed down to the P.E. room. After P.E., we all went back up to the classroom, and we worked on some Language Arts. Then, we did some more social studies on hominids.
Then, we went to lunch. But, sadly, we all had to come back for 5 minutes of recess, because we were not behaving in class. So, we served our time, and then we got to go out. After our recess time came to an end, we all ran back up to the classroom, and we were ready to learn again. Ha, NOT!!! We all actually staggered back in and we then began math. Today was our second day of RTI, so we did that, and then we worked with only our class on some more math. We worked on percent’s and fractions. Then, we went into the subject called Language Arts. We worked on writing grammar. Fun, right??? Then, we all did our jobs, packed up, and went home.
Read and Log 30 minutes,
BPI p.61 Q # 1, 2, 26-31