Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 31-Personal Narrative Ideas

Today is the 31st day of school. We came in and began some morning work. Then, we all logged onto the computers, and we brainstormed 3 ideas for a personal narrative. Then, we had break. Once break was over, we all got into groups and everyone chose which narrative they wanted to talk about. Then, we started playing with the gimp images and worked on layers. After our gimping time was over, we all headed down to music and we worked on boomwackers. Then, we came back from music and we got 5 more minutes on the computers, and then we had to give them to Ms. Malloys class. After sharing the electronics, we got to watch the Secret Garden movie/show/video thingy. When the lunch bell rang, we all jumped up and got so excited that we all ran out before Mr. Steele could catch us and get us in trouble…NOT!!!!!

So, like I said before, the lunch bell rang, and Mr. Steele dismissed us when we finally got quiet. So you could imagine how long it took. Anyway, we went to lunch/recess and we all had a really good time. Then, we came back in and we did some math. In math, and we mastered estimating. Then, we packed up and went wherever we came from.

Read and Log 30 minutes,
PC Day 3,
BP2 p.10 Questions #27-30, 37-40
Bonus 41-42