is the 71st day of school! That means of course, that today was our
first day back from winter break. All of us so wanted to be here…totally….any
who, we came in and we unpacked. Then, we reviewed our math so we could take
the math test. Then, we had break. We came back from break and we did some
reviewing for science so we can take the test tomorrow. It was exhausting,
then, we went to P.E. In P.E., we played popup. It was fun. Then, once we were
all settled in the classroom, we did some Social Studies. Then, we had lunch.
We came
back from lunch/recess, and we did RTI. Then, we all arrived once again to our
very own classroom, and we did some more science. After this, we got to finish
our social studies paper. It was very historical! We got to work on a timeline.
Then, we did some reading from big red.
We were reading about the first person to sail from Japan to the great
San Fran, CA. Once we finished the story, we packed up and went home.